Horsley Towers, Guildford
Nadia & Matt
I absolutely love this venue, sooooo many cool spots for couples photos.

groom prep
this is another wedding that started with groom prep for me.
it's always nice to get to know the gents before it starts getting busy. these lads were absolutely lovely and so supportive of their friend.
really was a great vibe and the perfect start to an incredible day.

a gorgeous ceremony hall at horsley towers, light, airy and grande.
Nadia walked down the aisle to a soloist on guitar. she was arm in arm with her mother and it was perfect.
at the end of the ceremony nadia and matt walked back down the aisle sealed with a kiss before exiting.

garden games
while nadia and matt were busy getting their group portraits taken, the guest had some time to enjoy garden games and canapes.
a little bit of croquet, bat and ball, bowls and quoits.
for canapes they had mini fish and chips and others but mini fish and chips!

sabrage & smoke bombs

matt & nadia's day was just jam packed with fun and there wasn't a dull moment. they had bright pink smoke flares and a man in a red coat slicing the cork off a bottle of champagne with a giant sword.
really was day full of excitement.